It's been said before and it needs to be said again: Something terrible is happening in Australia and we're not talking about it enough.
The country has largely regressed to a 24/7 relentless police state, with authorities suspending essentially all meaningful civil liberties in an effort to reduce COVID cases to zero.
That scorched-earth policy was on full display this past Sunday, when families celebrating the country's Father's Day holiday were forced to do so over plastic barriers separating the states of New South Wales and Queensland:
The busiest Father's Day dining spot in Queensland isn't taking reservations: it's a plastic barricade in the middle of a Coolangatta backstreet.
Families struggled to find a spot to set up their camp chairs, desperate to meet dads, grandpas, and uncles for a unique Father's Day.
Separated by strict border controls, they found ways to meet in emotional reunions as Queensland's border closure continued to keep kids and dads apart.
The footage of the celebrations is deeply unsettling for what it says about modern Australia:
Seriously: What is going on over there?
P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇