Watch: California mom and dad unleash 🔥 on school board after teachers coached their daughter into a trans identity and threatened to call CPS if they didn't affirm it
· Dec 17, 2021 ·

Let's get straight to it.

Here's the mom addressing the board of the Spreckels Union School District (note how they cut her mic when she gets spicy).

If you haven't realized it, these radical zealots in our school want to indoctrinate your kids into a cult.

This woman's anger is justified. It's her God-given responsibility to protect her child from predators.

Here was the father's speech, where he reveals the school threatened to call CPS if they didn't affirm their daughter's new identity as a boy.

Resign or repent.

Amen to that.

The teachers reportedly coaxed the student into joining an "equality club" that was actually a front for the Gay-Straight Alliance. From there, they were able to get the girl to doubt her identity and put her on a path toward being transgender.

Last month, someone leaked audio of a California Teachers' Association conference where teachers mocked parents' concerns over LGBT indoctrination and discussed how to quietly get kids plugged into LGBT groups without parents knowing.

Protect your kids from these predators!

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