Are We Sure Biden's Okay?
Joe Biden has a new entry into the annals of "what the heck did he just say?" Hall of Fame.
Allow me to do my best in transcribing. It's a tough job but someone has to do it. I'll pick it up where he says "that's a fancy way of saying" because that is where he goes on to make up new words and get confused.
"That's a fancy way of saying, governors, governors need to be able to get fundiiiiing when they dispo- when they disp- they need the, the uh and and bring, bring their national guard into play. And National Guard's gonna have to play this, it costs a lot of money."

Clear as mud. I am glad he dumbed it down for everyone so we know the non-fancy way of saying it.
But I do wonder if we need to implement trunalimunumaprzure.
We've said it before, and we'll say it again. Joe Biden is not well. He is a confused elderly man. Not trying to be mean, here. Just stating facts.
The only question is when we will have to get used to saying President Harris [shudders].