It's only April, but it appears as if White Boy Summer is starting a little early.
Arizona State University had their quad overrun by anti-Israel protesters and while authorities came and cleared them out, some frat bros also showed up to help police clear the quad of all the tents, signs, and other trash left by the protesters.
We've got the white frat boys throwing away people's belongings and we've got the pigs in brown doing nothing about it! ... We are being forced off campus! Pigs in brown!

This young lady taking the video sounds pleasant, doesn't she? I mean, all she's doing is protesting and trespassing. How dare the cops and white boys tell her to leave.
The police made more than 70 arrests at Arizona State's Tempe Campus, mostly for trespassing. So I am sure they were beyond grateful for this fraternity to show up and help them deal with the aftermath.
These reactions are priceless!
Happy White Boy Summer to all who celebrate!
P.S. Now check out our latest video ๐