Watch this "queer theorist" affiliated with Columbia University talk about using bubbles to lure kids in and "make your children queer"
· Jan 13, 2023 ·

This man is a "well respected" academic and "queer theorist," watch as he talks about doing bizarre social experiments on children and parents in public where he lures kids in with bubbles and then tells the parents the bubbles will make their kids "queer."

I went to a very busy street corner on a Saturday afternoon in Ashville, North Carolina...

I took a big jug of bubbles... very colorful bubbles. And I sat in a low chair so that I was eye-level with the children, the children were loving the bubbles, they were enjoying them, and their parents would walk over, they were a little concerned about me...

There's this creepy-looking man, on a short stool, enticing children with bubbles. And you don't expect people to be creeped out by this?

And when their parents would walk over I would say "these are queer bubbles, and they're gonna make your children queer. Not gay and lesbian, but queer." Meaning that they're going to be healthy, happy, revolutionary queers... A few of the parents thought it was funny, or interesting and said, "well, I'll love my children no matter what they do." But almost all of the parents were very upset and would grab their children and pull them away.

Man, if this was ANY other North Carolina city than Ashville this man would be telling this story from the hospital bed!

A creepy old dude with long hair blowing bubbles that he says will make your kids queer? This man is asking for a beating.

If he wasn't an "academic" it would be considered beyond inappropriate behavior. But I guess social experiments where you harass children and families with your gay politics are a-okay!

Chris Rufo explains more of what's happening here:

The things we let "academics" get away with are insane. This dude is publicly talking about sexuality and children and about "queer" identity as a revolutionary Marxist idea, and he gets invited to speak to colleges and universities across the US.

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