You hear it straight from the horse's mouth here.
Larry Sanger, one of the founders of the online encyclopedia, Wikipedia -- unaffectionately known as "Wokipedia" -- explained recently how the site became a leftist cesspool.
Wikipedia made a real effort at neutrality for I would say its first five years or so, and then it began a long, slow slide into what I would call leftist propaganda.
Yes, the founder of Wikipedia thinks that the site has become a propaganda machine for the lefties and wokies, especially when it comes to any inherently political articles.
News flash: EVERYTHING is political to the woke lefties!
And here's Sanger's explanation as to why this leftist tilt occurred at Wikipedia:
Because they followed the news media ... they've gradually gotten rid of all blogs and more recently they've gotten rid of almost all conservative news sources as sources for their articles. So, as the news media has shifted and as the establishment, frankly, has shifted more to the Left, the content of Wikipedia has followed suit.
Wait, are you telling me that the mainstream media has always been leftist, but that they've gone completely overboard the last 15 years?
Are you also saying they've successfully brainwashed a lot of supposedly "smart" people and turned the culture into a lefty cesspool?

It's no wonder I was told over and over in school to never use Wikipedia as a source!
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