We don't have to "wonder" what would have happened had it been BLM activists storming the Capitol. We already know, and it's not what they're telling you.

Planet Moron

Jan 8, 2021

As they might say,

Who are you going to believe? Me or your own eyes?

According to Black Lives Matter Global Network, "one of the most well-known organizations fighting for the well-being of Black people,"

"When Black people protest for our lives, we are all too often met by National Guard troops or police equipped with assault rifles, shields, tear gas and battle helmets," the group said in a statement. "Make no mistake, if the protesters were Black, we would have been tear gassed, battered, and perhaps shot."

Interesting charges. It's worth examining each one.

"...we are all too often met by National Guard troops or police equipped with assault rifles, shields, tear gas and battle helmets,"

You know who decided against having extra federal help show up for the protest?

Well-known white supremacist Muriel Bowser.

That's weird.

(Language warning from here on out.)

"Make no mistake, if the protesters were Black, we would have been tear gassed,..."




"...and perhaps shot."


They must not be aware that the Holiday Inn does offer WiFi. We can check these things, you know.

After the $7.99 lunch special at Olive Garden, of course. I understand the Stuffed Fettuccine Alfredo is exquisite.

After about thousands of protests, hundreds of which turned violent, we have plenty of examples of kid-glove treatment.

There was this in Chicago.

"[rioters] smashed up windows using cars and weapons and looted dozens and dozens of luxury stores with impunity for hours."

There is so much of this, someone put together a greatest hits "looters compilation."

And of course in Portland BLM ally Antifa continues to attack courthouses, both local and federal, including the very same evening the Capitol siege was transpiring.

That sounds kind of insurrectiony to me.

"Police made no arrests."

You can certainly cherry-pick to your heart's delight and find footage of people getting shot, tear-gassed, and battered by searching over the course of thousands of BLM and Antifa protests and hundreds of riots over the course of the past 8 months.

But you can find all those same incidents just by looking at one two-hour riot at the Capitol.

Why, then, manufacture the easily contested charge that had this been BLM, it would have been a slaughter?

You know why.

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