Here's video of a "gay-affirming" leader at Andy Stanley's church getting a lap dance from a drag queen and having money thrown at her
· Apr 28, 2023 ·

When the Apostle Paul wrote the qualifications for church leaders in the first century, I don't think he could even imagine that he might need to include a prohibition on lapdances with drag queens.

But in the 21st century, this is apparently something that American churches need to be made aware of.

This woman, LeAnn Legans, a leader at Andy Stanley's megachurch, is someone who the church allows to baptize and lead and who is also a vocal LGBT advocate.

And here she is at a drag show receiving a lap dance from one of her drag friends to the cheers of an audience.

[Warning: Sexual Content]

This event was a very adult event:

The event itself was filthy, consisting of two hours of 18+ overt sexual innuendo, statements, jokes about oral and anal sex, hundreds of f-bombs, and a rotating cast of drag queen performers more garish and grotesque than the last...

Here, North Point's 20-year ministry leader received a lap dance from the drag queen, laughing and cheering with delight as she was gyrated upon while dollar bills flew from the cackling crowd.

As someone who has listened to Andy Stanley's sermons, and has always wanted to be charitable to him as a brother in Christ, this is unacceptable.

Having this lady in the role of your church as a member would be too much. But letting her be a LEADER in the church is totally inexcusable.

And this doesn't seem to be someone in Andy's church he's simply unaware of, because of its size. This is someone he knows and who he's very friendly with. She's been a leader at North Point for nearly 20 years!

(Just in case you thought the slide at Stanley's church is a recent development.)

Operating out of Buckhead Church, one of North Point's satellite locations, she's been the Singles Gathering Leader since 2006 and the Grouplink Assimilator & Connector for North Point Ministries since 2007. The church also employs her as the Director of Operations for Canopy, a singles ministry where unmarried adults mingle while volunteering with the city and local nonprofits. She has also worked extensively in the church's Guest Services.

The single's minister at Andy Stanley's church is a pro-drag LGBTQ advocate.

This is truly shocking for a supposedly "conservative" church in Atlanta.

Andy Stanley has strayed so far from true Christianity and disgraces his recently deceased father's legacy.

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