Those empty reservoirs in California are all filled up with water again. Funny how that happens.

Jesse James

Apr 7, 2023

It seems like only yesterday that all the reservoirs in California were running dry, the state was facing a future without water of any kind, we were on the verge of an historic drought that would kill all the, um, puppies, and the kitties, and there'd be no more, er, strawberries or that right? That was what was happening, right?

Well yeah anyway everything's flush again. The reservoirs are full up. Strawberries are back on the menu!

Water levels fell so low in key reservoirs during the depth of California's drought that boat docks sat on dry, cracked land and cars drove into the center of what should have been Folsom Lake.

But those scenes are no more after a series of powerful storms dumped record amounts of rain and snow across California, replenishing reservoirs and bringing an end — mostly — to the state's three-year drought.

Soak it up, California, the water has returned!

It's hard to overstate just how radical the shift in water levels have been. Here's one small example.

At this point California's cup quite literally runneth over:

Some reservoirs are so full that water is being released to make room for storm runoff and snowmelt that could cause flooding this spring and summer, a new problem for weary water managers and emergency responders.

It's almost like we live in a world based on cyclic patterns of weather phenomena and shouldn't base extremely consequential public policy on the environmentalist whims of angry activist teenagers!

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