It was only a matter of time.
Sure, far-left outlets like Slate have been pro-pedo for a while now, so it's no shock that it was only a matter of time before the mainstream media started to treat pedophiles like a protected class.
Here's the Washington Post heaping praise upon a play that humanizes pedophiles:
Here's how the review begins:
Take a deep breath and try to ruminate calmly on the position playwright Bruce Norris takes in his scintillating new play, "Downstate": that the punishments inflicted on some pedophiles are so harsh and unrelenting as to be inhumane.
Are you still reading? It's almost impossible to broad-brush the perspective at the heart of this impeccably acted drama without sounding as if one is advocating some extraordinary level of consideration for individuals who have committed unspeakable crimes. And yet Norris proposes a variation on this proposition at off-Broadway's Playwrights Horizons: He is questioning what degree of compassion should society fairly hold out to those who have served their time for sexual abuse, assault or rape.

Seriously, this play is written from the perspective that our society doesn't have enough sympathy for pedos and rapists? Are you sure that's the hill you want to die on?
He's loaded the dice to some degree in "Downstate," as the predators who've completed their prison terms are depicted not as monsters but rather as complicated, troubled souls.
Hmm, I wonder what motive there would be to portray people who sexually assault and abuse children as "troubled souls" rather than "monsters"?
Why in the world would this playwright and the Washington Post want to do that?
Seriously, is there any other reason that these people want you to join our newest Supreme Court Justice in agreeing that pedophiles shouldn't have their lives ruined for raping children?
They're trying to normalize it, guys. That's it.
Speaking of the "G" word, our favorite tweeter is back on the bird app with the perfect response: