These NBC reporters tried to lecture Vivek about white supremacy and you can watch their entire worldview get shattered in real-time
ยท Jan 5, 2024 ยท

It's Friday, y'all, so I'm gonna go ahead and let you enjoy this video of Vivek Ramaswamy, an Indian man, being lectured by a white woman on white supremacy without my interruption. Just know that this man is a national treasure and we don't deserve him.



Ramaswamy from the top rope!

Man, that's almost better television than Trump delivers right there!

Even with their clipboards full of talking points, Vivek was unstoppable. ๐Ÿ˜‚

Part 2 on abortion if you want it:

And here's that full interview for you, free of charge:

P.S. Now check out our latest video ๐Ÿ‘‡

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