The woke retail companies that supported BLM and defunding police are now demanding action against smash and grabs
· Dec 13, 2021 ·

Smash-and-grabs are becoming a routine thing in major liberal cities, such as San Francisco and LA, where criminals know they won't be prosecuted and the police won't intervene while the crime is being committed.

These acts of robbery are becoming costly to businesses, including big chain stores.

Last week, the Retail Industry Leaders Association sent a letter to Congress that was signed by the CEOs of major businesses like Target, Best Buy, CVS, and Foot Locker, demanding action to stop these smash-and-grab robberies plaguing major cities.

Police aren't allowed to do their jobs because of woke policies, but now these woke companies want Congress to create new laws to solve this problem they helped create.

Makes total sense.

The act supported by the companies would make it harder for criminals to sell stolen products online.

From the letter:

"The INFORM Consumers Act is a simple, bipartisan measure that will increase transparency online for all marketplaces, making it easier for consumers to identify exactly who they are buying from, and make it harder for criminal elements to hide behind fake screennames and false business information to fence illicit products while evading law enforcement. The legislation has unified retailers, consumer groups, manufacturers, law enforcement, and all those serious about stopping the sale of counterfeit and stolen goods sold online."

So, the solution isn't more police. It's just bigger government. No surprise there, I guess.

These companies supported BLM and their anti-police rhetoric and liberal policies have led directly to this rise in crime.

This gives a new meaning to "Go Woke Go Broke."

For example, Best Buy CEO Corie Barry signed this letter to Congress, but here's what the company has to say in regards to BLM:

Our employees do not need to leave their identities and experiences at the door when they come to work — in fact, we encourage everyone to bring their whole self with them every day. It is crucial to support our Black employees, including their activism within broader movements such as Black Lives Matter (BLM). We are proud to have a place among companies that support BLM.

Direct support of BLM activism. This has come back to bite Best Buy in the latest wave of crimes.

Target has signed this letter, but is also a big supporter of BLM.

Same thing with CVS, Dick's Sporting Goods, Foot Locker, and many of the other CEOs who signed this letter to Congress.

Here's the short version of the CEOs letter to Congress:

Actions do have consequences.

If you support an anti-police movement and then get hit with a wave of crime, you really don't need to look beyond the mirror to see what the real problem is.

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