Workers at a Texas school pulled up some floorboards as part of a renovation and discovered a purse straight out of 1959
· Oct 15, 2022 ·

Every woman at some point has asked that iconic, enduring question: "Now, where did I put my purse?"

One woman's family had to wait more than 60 years to find out the answer to that question — but now they know:

Renovations at a Texas school led to an unexpected discovery of an accessory frozen in time.

Beneath the floorboards of a stage at a League City school, around 26 miles southeast of Houston, contractors found a small, plastic clutch filled with items that once belonged to a 13-year-old. ...

"Everything we pulled out added to her story," [a school spokeswoman] told CNN. "It was like piecing together a puzzle." Family photos, a floral handkerchief and a calendar opened to April 1959 were among the items inside.

You got to love the details here — what one local historian called the 1950s equivalent of Facebook:

Man, this lady was busy! A Valentine's Day party and the another dance party less than a week later?!

We should all be so lucky to have a social life like that!

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