The vain globalist ninnies are up to their usual schtick. Check it out:
Yes, that is from an actual WEF article about climate change polices:
Guess what kind of lockdowns and mandates are coming next?
The hubris of these people. Sorry, but I've watched way too many Bond films to listen to a dang thing you have to say.

(I've also paid attention to the lessons of history, you wannabe god-kings.)
Just before this paragraph, the WEF talks about how to reduce emissions within cities:
Inclusivity of citizens is becoming the most important element of success or failure in the journey towards sustainability. Community-led initiatives can make a significant contribution towards sustainability, increase resilience and social cohesion. There have been numerous examples of personal carbon allowance programs in discussions for the last two decades, however they had limited success due to a lack of social acceptance, political resistance, and a lack of awareness and fair mechanism for tracking "My Carbon" emissions.
Translation: The biggest obstacle to their plans is individual liberty and free will, so they need a model to create forced "social cohesion" to their plans.
Now read the Covid line again:
COVID-19 was the test of social responsibility
This is a conspiracy but it ain't a theory. They are saying it. The Covid lockdowns and mandates, whether planned or unplanned, are the blueprint for what comes next.
How are they going to implement a Big Brother surveillance state advanced enough to lock your thermostat and keep you from driving your car because you've used too much energy for the week?
The next point gives a clue:
Technology is always a weapon. Whether it helps us fight against the ravages of nature and time, harness physical forces for our benefit, or wage war against our enemies, it is a tool.
As much as I like cool gadgets, I understand now that the next generation of these tools are in the hands of aspiring tyrants who fancy themselves gods among peasants.
Translation: Your smart gadgets are not your friend. Those in power are fashioning them into your shackles.
Finally, how are they going to cover the gaps that technology can't cover?
Simple: Turn your children against you.
This is all the same formula the communists used.
(Newsflash: The people pushing for this are commies.)
The trifecta is government power combined with technology combined with brainwashing young people. It's a powerful combo.
Look at the diagram they made themselves to explain how they'll take the reins of power:
Then, this word salad that I've helpfully translated:
Such economic action will need policy enablement from city leadership through extensive discussion between stakeholders to arrive at a fair and inclusive approach.
[Translation: Use authorities to destroy dissidents that don't agree with the "inclusive" agenda.]
The levers of Cognitive Enablement and Social Norms will be much more impactful through citizen engagement programs and learnings from the above-mentioned trends need to be captured to design these programs.
[Translation: Change moral norms by indoctrinating citizens to believe what we want them to believe instead of presenting our ideas and letting them stand and be debated on merit.]
Innovative AI and machine-learning capabilities would help capture embedded emissions in goods and services, and could help in providing individuals with tailored and timely advice on how to reduce their lifestyle emissions.
[Translation: Use technology to force our new subjects into subservience to the new dystopia]
Honestly, the only thing missing from this article is a timeline for the first Hunger Games.
Oh, wait, their buddies over at the UN (it's all the same people) already covered that!
Let me finish with a summary of my response to the terms given to us by our would-be kings:
P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇