Y'all Will Not Believe The Number Of Lies Packed Into One Little Tweet From The White House That Just Created A "Disinformation Governance Board"
· May 13, 2022 · NottheBee.com

You have to see this to believe it.

On Thursday night, the White House sent out this tweet that is so dishonest it boggles the mind.

Okay, so nothing about this tweet is honest. But the vaccine claim just absolutely takes the cake.

The White House is seriously trying to tell all of us that the vaccine wasn't available until Joe Biden took office.

Um, yeah. That's just a straight-up lie.

Here's Joe Biden getting his Covid shot in December 2020 BEFORE he took office.

It's one thing for senile Sleepy Joe to make this statement, but the official White House account repeating this lie is truly astounding.

And look, Biden got his SECOND shot in January BEFORE he was sworn in.

Remember, they'll try to say the vax "wasn't widely available" or "it wasn't distributed properly."

But that's not what they said. They said there was "no vaccine available."

The rest of the tweet is also just completely dishonest.

The claim that the economy "created" 8.3 million new jobs is dishonest.

  • Most of those jobs were lost due to government-enforced lockdowns.
  • Then, when people went back to work when the government stimmie checks ran out, those positions were refilled. But going back to work is not creating new jobs.
  • Also, the unemployment rate is being artificially bolstered by the people who have left the workforce.

This White House is becoming desperate.

They're banking on the low-information voter to just not remember Trump's Operation Warp Speed and not realize that they're pumping out straight lies.

And considering how many uninformed people there are these days, they're probably wise to bank on it.

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