Harvard's president just quit amid a major scandal, but she's still going to pull down almost $900,000 a year
· Jan 3, 2024 · NottheBee.com

So yesterday this happened:

Harvard President Claudine Gay will resign Tuesday afternoon, bringing an end to the shortest presidency in the University's history...

The illustrious administrator took a walk after being hit with multiple plagiarism scandals in her brief tenure as Harvard's leader.

But just in case you were worried about her — and I know you were — don't sweat it, she's going to be okay:

Outgoing Harvard President Claudine Gay will still likely earn nearly $900,000 a year despite being forced to resign her position as the school's top administrator. ...

Prior to being named president just six months ago, Gay earned $879,079 as a Faculty of Arts and Sciences Dean in 2021 and $824,068 in 2020, according to records published by the university.

Her new position was not specified Tuesday, but she is expected to receive a salary comparable with what she previously received — if not higher.

Man, I was so worried that this privileged, highly paid administrator was going to lose some of her privilege and high pay after being outed as an apparent plagiarizer. Thank goodness that was wrong!

Most of us, when caught in such compromising situations, tend to take a fall. Life is tough on the little guy when he screws up accidentally; when he does something malicious on purpose, it counts for double.

But not for Ivy League presidents and professors!

As the Post points out, it's "unclear how much of her presidential salary of roughly $1 million Gay would be entitled to after only serving in the post for six months."

I'd assume $500,000. But with $800k already in the bank, who's counting, really?

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