It's become a recent trend for people to photoshop insane headlines from the Atlantic and release them on the interwebs, where they immediately go viral because leftism and sheer lunacy are so close at this point that it's hard to distinguish them.
The media fAcT-cHeCk regime has been working overtime this summer to counter the headlines (see here and here and here and here).
Well, my friends, please enjoy this 100% real Atlantic tweet and headline:
In case you missed the headline:
The wokies are REALLY scraping the bottom of the barrel, aren't they??
Quick side note:
Okay, here's what writer Daniel Panneton says:
Just as the AR-15 rifle has become a sacred object for Christian nationalists in general, the rosary has acquired a militaristic meaning for radical-traditional (or "rad trad") Catholics. On this extremist fringe, rosary beads have been woven into a conspiratorial politics and absolutist gun culture. These armed radical traditionalists have taken up a spiritual notion that the rosary can be a weapon in the fight against evil and turned it into something dangerously literal.
First of all, the AR-15 is just a gun, bro. Those Christian "nationalists" – or as you define them, literally anyone who actually believes Jesus is the Son of God – understand the importance of modern tools without turning them into idols.
Second of all, the symbol of the rosary (or any Christian tradition or practice of prayer) doesn't just have spiritual implications. We are to pray for God's will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. Yes, Ephesians 6 says our fight is not against "flesh and blood," but have you never read the imprecatory Psalms, bro?
"Break the arm of the wicked man; call the evildoer to account for his wickedness that would not otherwise be found out." – Psalm 10:5
"Deliver me from my enemies, O God; be my fortress against those who are attacking me. Deliver me from evildoers and save me from those who are after my blood." – Psalm 59:1-2
"Blessed be the Lord, my rock, who trains my hands for war, and my fingers for battle" – Psalm 144:1
(See Psalms 5, 17, 35, 58, 69, 70, 79, 83, 109, 129, 137, and 140 for more examples)
Back to The Atlantic:
Their social-media pages are saturated with images of rosaries draped over firearms, warriors in prayer, Deus Vult ("God wills it") crusader memes, and exhortations for men to rise up and become Church Militants.

Influencers on platforms such as Instagram share posts referencing "everyday carry" and "gat check" (gat is slang for "firearm") that include soldiers' "battle beads," handguns, and assault rifles. One artist posts illustrations of his favorite Catholic saints, clergy, and influencers toting AR-15-style rifles labeled sanctum rosarium alongside violently homophobic screeds that are celebrated by social-media accounts with thousands of followers.
Yeah, cuz no man on Planet Earth has ever wanted to be a knight...
(We'll get to the "homophobic screeds" in a minute)
There's definitely a line that can be crossed for those that start to glorify violence. Those who live by the sword die by the sword, and they do not understand the Gospel or the Kingdom of God.
But this dude is acting like faithful Christian men have not been ready and willing to take up the sword to defend their homes and communities for millennia, or that this is somehow in opposition to Christian teaching.
Consider JRR Tolkien, who unlike Joe Biden was actually a faithful Catholic, and his character Faramir from The Lord of The Rings.
I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend.
This was coming from a lethal Captain of Gondor who used his literal sword and bow to decapitate orcs by the dozen.
And yet Daniel Penneton would have you believe that preparing oneself to be a warrior poet in the modern age is somehow "extreme."
The theologian and historian Massimo Faggioli has described a network of conservative Catholic bloggers and commentary organizations as a "Catholic cyber-militia" that actively campaigns against LGBTQ acceptance in the Church.
Let me get this straight: People who believe in training themselves spiritually and physically for battle against evil in accordance with the Word of God are basically terrorists, while those who want the Church to accept perverse sexual practices that are explicitly banned as a direct command from God are the oppressed heroes?

Militia culture, a fetishism of Western civilization, and masculinist anxieties have become mainstays of the far right in the U.S. — and rad-trad Catholics have now taken up residence in this company. Their social-media accounts commonly promote accelerationist and survivalist content, along with combat-medical and tactical training, as well as memes depicting balaclava-clad gunmen that draw on the "terrorwave" or "warcore" aesthetic that is popular in far-right circles.
"Militia culture" is a "fetishism of Western civilization"??
Bro, have you picked up a history book or ever watched the news??
Militias are a human norm. What's different about the Western – by which you mean "Christian" – concept is that a group of armed and dangerous men should be ordered around the command to love God and love our neighbors. The outworking of this recipe is completely different from anything you'll see the world over.
The militarism also glorifies a warrior mentality and notions of manliness and male strength.
Oh no! Strong men who are being trained to be manly!

Danniel Penneton is triggered.
And that's why his account is now protected from all that mean criticism on Twitter:
LOL. This is the type of guy who always complains about other men learning how to be, well, MEN.
Look at the article's ratio on Twitter:
Here were some hilarious reactions to this amazing article:
Wait a sec... this just in! We've identified a few more radicals that need an ATF visit for trafficking dangerous weapons of war!
What a time to be alive!
P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇