A medical professor profusely apologized for saying the term "pregnant women" because it implied "only women can give birth." For real.
· Jul 28, 2021 · NottheBee.com

Do you think our culture of totalitolerance has gone just a TAD too far??

Let's take a moment to collectively breathe, since it's probably just hitting you that this really isn't a Babylon Bee story (we're going to put them out of business, by the way).

Let's dive into this wonderful story, shall we?

A professor of medicine within the University of California system apologized to his students for saying the word "pregnant women," instead of "pregnant people," in a medical classroom.

According to a report from Katie Herzog, published in Bari Weiss's popular Substack publication, a University of California endocrinology professor sent an email to students apologizing for implying that only women can give birth.

Yes, a medical professional who is responsible for teaching the next generation of physicians in our nation felt the necessity to profusely apologize for the GRIEVOUS SIN of saying only WOMEN can gestate and deliver babies.

Imagine how much of a weenie you have to be to grovel to your students in this way:

"I don't want you to think that I am in any way trying to imply anything, and if you can summon some generosity to forgive me, I would really appreciate it … Again, I'm very sorry for that. It was certainly not my intention to offend anyone," the professor said. "The worst thing that I can do as a human being is be offensive … I said ‘when a woman is pregnant,' which implies that only women can get pregnant and I most sincerely apologize to all of you."

I thoroughly expect a math professor to be apologizing for saying 2+2=4 by next week.

Here's what Katie Herzog said one student anonymously named "Lauren" had to say about what her professors are teaching these days:

When sex is acknowledged by her instructors, it's sometimes portrayed as a social construct, not a biological reality, she says. In a lecture on transgender health, an instructor declared: "Biological sex, sexual orientation, and gender are all constructs. These are all constructs that we have created."

In other words, some of the country's top medical students are being taught that humans are not, like other mammals, a species comprising two sexes. The notion of sex, they are learning, is just a man-made creation.

Who is driving this clown show trend?

For all intents and purposes, it seems to be a duality between mentally ill students and radical administrators.

According to "Lauren," during an online forum, one student called a professor out for using terms such as "male" and "female" and began crying.

UC medical students also circulate petitions that call out professors for "wrong speak." One professor was called out for using the pronouns "she" and "her" and the terms "father" and "son." Students submitted a petition denouncing the professor for the use of "cisnormative" language.

The professor emailed the class and apologized for the use of "binary" language.

To test yourself for this mental illness, I would like to present these verifiable concrete facts about objective reality:

  • All human beings break down into the binary chromosomal classification of "ladies" and "gentlemen."
  • Only women can bear children and to suggest otherwise is both biologically inaccurate and morally degrading.
  • Men have exclusive claim to titles such as "father" and "son" while women have exclusive claim to titles such as "mother" and "daughter."

To end, let's circle back like Jen Psaki to a different part of this prof's email:

"The worst thing that I can do as a human being is be offensive."

No, the worst thing you can do is to not speak the truth, followed by cowardice and abuse.

Overall, I think medical teachers need to skip the lessons on pregnancy for the moment. Neither they nor their students are ready for such advanced lessons.

I think they should start with lessons about having a spine.

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