To say this is a security concern is an understatement for the ages:
Over 8.4 BILLION passwords were posted in a hacker forum, and there's a good chance one of those might be yours or mine.
A 100GB text file containing a staggering 8.4 billion password entries was just leaked on a popular hacker forum. This data set presumably combines passwords stolen via previous data breaches and leaks, and it's been dubbed the "RockYou2020" password leak on that hacker forum. That name was apparently chosen, per CyberNews, as a nod to the RockYou data breach from back in 2009, "when threat actors hacked their way into the social app website's servers and got their hands on more than 32 million user passwords stored in plain text."

CyberNews has an online checker tool that can search a massive database of the hacked lists being posted to see if your email or phone number has been compromised, either recently or in the past.
Two of my old, now-defunct emails had been compromised when I checked.
Remember to choose a super strong password like "Password123" or "AdamFordRocks" so you won't get hacked!