Without slaves, who will pick the cotton? Without illegal immigrants who can work for low wages, who will pick the tomatoes?
Here's Jake Tapper asking this question to Stephen Miller, Trump's deputy chief of staff, who seems like he has been waiting for this opportunity to tell the truth on CNN his entire life.
Tapper starts out asking about jobs Americans won't do, and claims that illegal immigrants are keeping the prices of groceries low (has he been to a grocery store lately?), and asks Miller what he thinks of those arguments.
And Miller answers like an absolute master.
Miller: Well, I'm sure it's not your position, Jake. You're just asking the question that we should supply America's food with exploitative, illegal alien labor. I obviously don't think that's what you're implying.
Only 1% of alien workers in the entire country work in agriculture. The top destination for illegal aliens are large cities like New York, like Los Angeles and small, industrial towns, of course, all across the heartland as we've seen with the Biden floods.
None of those illegal aliens are doing farm work. Those 30,000 illegal aliens that President Biden dumped into Springfield -
Tapper: I'm talking about those who are -
Miller: No, no, no. I'm explaining this to you, it's important to understand.
Tapper: No, you're kind of changing the subject.
Miller: No, no, no. I will go - Give me 30 minutes I'll go as deep as you want to, to explain to you and your audience -
Tapper: I'm talking about the ones that work in the agriculture industry.
Miller: I'm explaining to you and your audience.
Tapper: We can come back and talk about the ones in the cities, I swear.
Yeah, no. Tapper knows that most Americans still think of illegal immigrants as the Cesar Chavez working in the fields migrants. And Miller is explaining that it's only 1% of illegal immigrants who work in agriculture.
Tapper and the libs want to make the case for millions and millions of illegal aliens to stay because 1% are, as Miller explained, victims of an exploitative industry that uses them as slave labor.
Miller: The illegal aliens that Joe Biden brought into our country are not - full stop - doing farm work. They are not. The illegal aliens he brought in, from Venezuela, from Haiti, from Nicaragua, they are in our cities collecting welfare.
As for the farmers, there is a guest worker program that President Trump supports. Over time we will transform into automation so we never have to have this conversation ever again.
But there's no universe where this nation is going to allow the previous president to flood our nation with millions and millions of illegal aliens who just get to stay here. And we are especially not going to allow a subset of those illegal aliens to rape and murder our citizens. So we are going to unapologetically enforce our immigration laws.

Stephen Miller, where have you been? I see now why the "mainstream" media never has you on.
What an awesome interview.
I hope we see more and more of Miller during these next four years.
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