Can we stop talking about Taylor Swift now?

Can we please stop talking about Taylor Swift now?

Look, I get it. She's one of the most famous women in the world, and the NFL's obsession with highlighting her presence at various Kansas City games bordered on shameless, but perhaps there's another option here: enjoy sports for sports and just ... shut up about celebrities?

The one thing more annoying than the NFL and mainstream media drooling over Taylor Swift is the conservative media machine's anti-Taylor Swift fetish, which has somehow developed into a handful of hilariously un-athletic, all-too-online nerds masquerading as commentators and telling their audience that Taylor Swift is a demonic psyop who is moments away from rigging the 2024 election by endorsing a political candidate of her choosing.

Maybe, just maybe, she's just a monumentally successful woman who happens to be dating Travis Kelce β€” who seems to be getting far more out of this relationship than she is, given that he's jumping into bed with quite literally every company willing to throw money in his direction β€” and not a Satanist hellbent on the destruction of the West.

And look, I also understand that Taylor Swift gets the clicks, and when people seen as being left-wing like something it's the conservative media apparatus's job to, therefore, hate it. But when the dial is turned to 11 on every ... little ... thing, it's annoying.

On Sunday, we witnessed one of the most exciting, competitive and tense Super Bowls in years. Why can't we go back to what we said we wanted β€” to love sports for sports and set politics aside β€” instead of letting some very loud and very unsporting clowns try and get their slice of the Taylor Swift/Travis Kelce pie?

Of course, there are some who will say "but Ian! You're writing about Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce too! What a hypocrite, you lib!" And to those people, I have nothing but the loudest eye-roll in history.

Saying "please, stop talking about Taylor Swift" to the people who just can't stop talking about Taylor Swift is not as absurdly ridiculous as presenting her as the latest personification of Satan himself.

The best way to convince me that you're not as obsessed with celebrity as those you supposedly despise is to spend at least ten minutes every day outside instead of churning out social media garbage about the world's second-most-talented Taylor.

Because let's not forget that Taylor Swift might be popular, but Taylor Lorenz is a freaking hero.

Follow Ian on X (@ighaworth).

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Not the Bee or any of its affiliates.

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