The media is doing the Norm Macdonald joke (again) by blaming you for noticing things. Get in here because I have thoughts for the liars, regime shills, and Russell Moore.

This WaPo writer wants you to know that the real problem in Springfield is racism.

From the Haitian Times:

The morning after former President Donald Trump repeated racist claims about Haitians in Springfield, Ohio, some Haitian families are keeping their children home from school for their safety, according to an area activist. Those who allowed their children did so, but with heavy hearts.

'She [my niece] was scared, but I told her to go, that God would protect,' said one Haitian resident, who asked that she not be identified publicly for fear of reprisal.

  • Did 20,000 illegal aliens drop in your Midwest town?

  • Are there all sorts of problems that are causing society and order in said town to break down?

  • Are residents crying during meetings at city hall as they describe how they feel unsafe?

  • Do you think that it's immoral to use American tax dollars to support foreigners at the expense of struggling Americans in their own communities?

Well then, do I have news for you!

There have been no reports of violence being carried out against Haitian migrants, and yet the media wants you to believe their claim rather than the claims involving dead pets (with some evidence) and car crashes (with documented evidence).

The media is going to pivot on this Springfield story, and pivot hard. Whenever there is a problem that people start noticing, especially a problem that hurts the current people in power, they reframe it.

The problem is not the problem itself. The problem is you noticing.

To achieve this shift, the media makes the perpetrators the victim, then says anyone oppressing said "victim" is racist/sexist/xenophobic/etc.

The late Norm Macdonald knew this so well.

The Hill took the media pivot one predictable step further.

We know nothing about this bomb threat other than the city reported it happened (source: trust me again, bro). We know nothing about the person who made the threat. It could easily be a troll from another country, such as the two men in Europe who were just arrested for "swatting" members of the U.S. Congress.

That doesn't matter. What does matter to The Hill is the implication that the threat-maker was a Trump voter.

First, they establish that noticing things you aren't supposed to notice and disagreeing with the Regime is "racist" and a "conspiracy theory."

The city hall of Springfield, Ohio, was evacuated Thursday after a bomb threat that comes as the city has become a national focus over racist conspiracy theories about immigrants eating pets.

Then The Hill makes sure to connect this idea to Donald Trump.

The bomb threat follows the recent popularity of false claims about Haitian immigrants eating pets in the Ohio city, allegations that have been elevated by former President Trump and his 2024 running mate, Ohio Sen. JD Vance (R).

After establishing the purely opinionated assertion that Trump is fanning the flames of racist conspiracy theories, they then complete the trifecta by connecting literal Nazis to the source of this evil.

The seeds of Springfield's turn in the national spotlight were planted at a pro-Nazi march through the town on Aug. 10 and a subsequent City Commission meeting on Aug. 27.

The Hill even tries to discredit a black resident of Springfield by breezing past him, noting that a man who attended an "anti-Haitian immigration march" also spoke at the meeting ("anti-Haitian immigration" is code for "Nazi" here and the association is purposeful).

Listen to Anthony Harris for yourself and see if he's a neo-Nazi:

The truth is, you aren't a Nazi if you think people from thousands of miles away shouldn't be dropped in your neighborhood willy nilly by the TENS OF THOUSANDS.

You aren't racist if you understand the Haitian religious practices of voodoo, a collection of occult beliefs that came with West African slaves to the Caribbean island (similar practices are still found in West Africa today).

You aren't racist if you don't feel "philia," or brotherly affection, for people who share no history, traditions, values, laws, or culture.

You aren't racist if you feel threatened by tens of thousands of strangers moving into your multi-generational home.

But the media doesn't want you to think this way. They want you to have affection for anywhere and anything EXCEPT your own community, family, history, and values. They even butcher Scripture to try and force people to "love thy neighbor."

(I could write a whole essay on passages regarding neighbors and foreigners being taken out of context.)

The jury is still out on whether or not pets are disappearing in Springfield. But we do have dozens of testimonies from local residents at this point, including a 911 call about Haitians stealing geese from a park. We also have video evidence and testimonies of the numerous car crashes involving these Haitian migrants.

But the "pets" angle makes a good meme, which is why it has gone viral. The spread of memes is a threat to the Regime that wants to pack U.S. towns with cheap labor from poor, developing countries so the American empire's tax farm can get richer.

But as JD Vance said, the point isn't actually the cats and dogs.

...the media didn't care about the carnage wrought by these policies until we turned it into a meme about cats. And that speaks to the media's failure to care about what's going on in these communities. If we have to meme about it to get the media to care, we're going to keep on doing it because the media should care about what's going on.

The point is that we know there is a massive problem involving migrants in Springfield, but we don't know the specific details because the media has refused to investigate.

When the media is invested in a Narrative to protect certain ideas and leaders (in this case, making sure that Kamala Harris is shielded from the problems that have occurred during her time in the White House), they are more than willing to lie and let fellow Americans in towns like Springfield suffer.

Perhaps Russell Moore should ponder what God thinks about that.

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Not the Bee or any of its affiliates.

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