The woman stuttering behind the microphone is the perfect demonstration of why DEI is so dangerous

Karine Jean-Pierre is a small-scale demonstration of the extraordinary danger posed to humanity by Diversity-Equity-Inclusion (DEI) policies. Stated bluntly, I don't want a pilot flying my airplane, I don't want a surgeon performing my operation, I don't want a construction foreman building my bridge who perform their jobs as competently as Pierre performs hers.

The list of moments that should disqualify the current president and his administration from voters' future consideration continues growing at an alarming rate. I've been stewing over a recent one that occurred in this surreal exchange between a reporter and the stammering White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre late last week.

I have a feeling you missed it - which is exactly how we end up in places like this as a country. So watch this and then let me share a few words:

Now, to be clear, the disqualifying element of this exchange isn't Pierre's notorious inability to string together logically consistent sentences. It's a completely fair question to ask how she ended up in a role as critical as hers. Articulating the foreign and domestic policy positions of the "most powerful man in the world" should demand a high bar of qualification that Karine Jean-Pierre quite apparently does not meet.

I suppose how she got her job - whether she was hired because of DEI-style affirmative action considerations, because someone owed her a favor, or because no one else was willing to take the job - is really immaterial at this point. The fact is obvious: she can't do the job well, and it's too important of a role to not have someone competent filling the post.

But in this case, it isn't her predictable mumbling and stumbling that was so galling. It was the false testimony. It was the lying. The reporter's question - posed in a very tactful, non-accusatorial manner - was a good one:

Trump's tax cuts were across the board, including for those making less than $400,000 a year.

Biden has announced he will allow all the Trump tax cuts to expire

That will cause an increase in the tax burden of every taxpayer, including those making less than $400,000 a year.

So that was the obvious impetus behind the reporter's good question. Biden can't say he isn't raising taxes on those who make less than $400,000 a year when he announces a plan that will increase the taxes due for those making less than $400,000 a year. The president's response?

Word play, no answer.

It's actually appalling that every reporter in that room didn't double down on the question until there was an answer given:

Will the president recommend a new round of tax cuts for those making less than $400k?

If not, is he hiding behind games of rhetoric where he claims that allowing tax cuts to expire isn't "technically" increasing taxes, it's just allowing them to return to previous levels?

Is that the kind of dishonesty and lack of good faith the president wants to be demonstrating in an election year?

That's why we need a free press. In fact, a free press was invented for this very kind of moment. But we don't seem to have one of those, outside of a few, random acts of journalism like the one that was committed in this clip.

It truly makes me wonder where we'd be as a civilization if the progressive left hadn't been so incredibly successful in taking over higher education and commandeering journalism schools decades ago.

Democracy dies in darkness, it's often said by the very media so desperate to cast as much darkness as possible over the incompetence of their preferred pols.

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Not the Bee or any of its affiliates.

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