They’ve gone too far. I think they know it, but they will refuse to fix it.

I may be wrong. I often am. But watching this recent exchange on Comedy Central's "The Daily Show," I'm becoming convinced that a growing number of left-wing entertainers, stars, and commentators are realizing they've gone too far.

If you missed it last week, check it out:

Now, I don't mean to suggest that I think people like Trevor Noah are going to reverse course or admit error. They have way too much pride on the line, and I'm not sure they would even know how to reverse course at this point even if they wanted to.

But you can't really watch that exchange and not get the distinct impression that there is a budding awareness among progressives that their rebellion against a cultural embrace of the Christian sexual ethic has taken them down a path of self-contradiction and moral anarchy. They know the ship is sinking, and that they are likely to go down with it. Yet I feel equally confident that they will still prefer to plunge to the depths of moral insanity than admit the right was right.

In the minds of many of these progressive thought leaders, Christians are dunces. They see us as unenlightened ghouls, obnoxiously committed to an old book of myths that have little to no bearing on the modern world. That becomes a much harder sell given that our predictions and prognostications about our cultural trajectory continue to be proven accurate.

For decades we clueless buffoons have been pointing out that if God exists (and He does), He must necessarily be the foundation of all science, logic, reason, and morality. Consequently, we've warned that any rebellion against that God, inevitably results in a rebellion against science, logic, reason, and morality.

But despite our warnings, they proudly and arrogantly discarded any public consciousness of God's authority as an infringement on personal freedom. And just a couple generations later, where are we now? Abiding scientifically absurd, logically impaired, rationally defunct, and morally offensive propositions as "men can get periods," "men can have babies," and "men are women."

But progressives are so paralyzed by concern that everyone might soon realize we Christians have been right, they are not only refusing to mock flagrantly foolish propositions, they are turning the halls of comedy into an embarrassing spectacle of backwards acquiescence and fealty to the foolishness.

The same people who for years have patted each other on the back for "speaking truth to power," without ever realizing they were the ones wielding the power, now place alleged comedians on center stage to do their best tap dance routine around rationality. Call it the "avoid being cancelled conga."

Years ago, they pulled up what they deemed "bigoted" moral guideposts for critical social criterion like identity, sexuality, marriage, and family. Now as the slippery slope has turned into an open free-fall all around them, they are finding it impossible to slip those guideposts back into the ground. That would make them the narrow-minded bigots, and men like Trevor Noah would rather die a million deaths than be the next J.K. Rowling. And so he clumsily hides behind, "Some people say," "If I could just play devil's advocate," "Others believe," and on and on and on.

It's funny how much manmade religionists despise the absolutes of Christianity when time always, without exception, and without fail, proves how necessary they are to the orderly procedure of man and society.

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Not the Bee or any of its affiliates.

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