Wokeness is a mind virus.
I'm going to say something very offensive to older white folks who think saying "Happy Holidays" is polite.
Are you ready?
Here it is:
This is the appropriate response:
"'Happy Christmas'? You'll offend people saying that.'
'I know!'
Western civilization was built upon the bedrock of Christianity.
And Christianity is OFFENSIVE.
'Therefore, everyone who will acknowledge me before others, I will also acknowledge him before my Father in heaven. But whoever denies me before others, I will also deny him before my Father in heaven. Don't assume that I came to bring peace on the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.' - Jesus
Jesus claimed to be God.
Jesus claimed He was the only hope for humanity and that people would spend eternity in hell apart from Him.
Jesus claimed He had defeated death.
Jesus said this would divide households and pit them against each other (the point of the above passage).
On these claims, the West was built. Our civilization simply wouldn't exist without them. Belief in these claims allowed centuries of fathers and mothers to transform their backwater northern tribes in Western Europe into world superpowers and invent the light bulb, antibiotics, the transistor, and disease-resistant crops.
Even the secular humanist ideals of the post-"Enlightenment" era were the products of Christianity, with the foundation of an idea in objective truth, reason, the scientific method, and human rights. This is why Mr. Atheist Supreme, Richard Dawkins, laments how Islam is changing England. 👇
I think it would matter if we, certainly if we substituted any alternative religion, that would be truly dreadful.
There is no other place on the planet where people are shy about their own gods, accomplishments, holidays, and traditions. Muslims are not shy about Ramadan or their Eid festivals. Hindus are not shy about Diwali. Buddhists aren't shy about their lunar new year celebrations.
And nerds aren't shy about May the 4th.
When I used to teach English to Saudis, they would wish me a merry Christmas because nearly everyone on the planet understands that it's good to wish people well on their sacred days.
No, among all of humanity, only white Westerners are ashamed of their own heritage and beliefs. This is because being ashamed of these things is our version of the Marxist struggle session: These people have to prove that they are virtuous by saying "Happy Holidays" and being ashamed of Jesus Christ. They believe this will create a better world, even as they erase the Christ that made prosperity and peace possible in the first place.
Even some Christians like to join in the struggle sessions, pointing out that Jesus was probably born in the summer and that Christmas trees and lights and presents have nothing to do with Christ, as if that diminishes the significance of our traditions in any way (or as if God hasn't worked through the traditions and customs of cultures since the beginning of history).
What a bunch of Scrooges that lot is!
So yeah, it's not a Winter Market.
It's a Christmas Market.
Because it's all about Christ.
Time to remember that, London!
P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇
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