I have to hand it to them. The American media somehow manages to balance being outrageously biased, while at the same time utterly predictable. It's almost an admirable feat when you think about it.
For instance, everyone knew exactly how the gas stove controversy from months ago was going to play out.
- Progressives begin openly discussing banning the popular appliances.
- The media, complicit with any leftwing cause, says nothing so as not to undermine the effort.
- Conservatives use their own outlets and channels to sound the alarm at such a stupid proposal.
- Progressives are put on the defensive, and the media dutifully protect their own, blaming conservatives for manufacturing outrage without cause.
- Progressive politicians scoff at the idea they were ever considering such a silly idea.
- The furor subsides.
- Liberal politicians then ban gas stoves.
Just watch this:
That's what I mean. It remains a shock that any institution masquerading as objective could continue to engage in such egregiously slanted conduct. And yet at the same time, it was all entirely predictable.
Obviously the gas stove issue is just one small example of the phenomenon. A far more glaring example exists for anyone who was paying attention.
As I was driving my family home from eastern Tennessee last weekend, I glanced out my passenger side window as we crossed an overpass. I observed a couple walking out to the parking lot of a small outlet mall. I couldn't tell you their age, the color of their shirts, their height, weight, or any other significant detail except one thing. I can tell you that they were both wearing Covid-era facemasks. Still wearing them.
Not only that, but on more than one occasion as we were driving, the kids pointed out other drivers on the road that were OWM (operating while masked).
Contrary to what others may feel, I don't have any desire to point and laugh at the people who continue wearing those silly things.
- Of course, I have read the reports and know the scientific literature proves what experience told us all alone: that cloth masks accomplished nothing in terms of protecting individuals from the contraction of an airborne virus like Covid.
- Of course, I realize that anyone should have been able to see through the absurd theater that had us masking while walking through a restaurant, only to unmask once we sat down at a table.
- Of course, I agree that simple observation of loose fitting or improperly worn masks, which was the norm everywhere, should have told anyone they were a futile mitigation tactic.
- Of course, I have seen the recent announcement from the WHO (World Health Organization) that finally confirms what society has already accepted in theory and practice: that Covid is no longer a public health emergency.
But I still have no desire to tease or mock those who continue donning them. Why? Because for the last four years, they have been subjected to a relentless drumbeat of panic and propaganda like this:
[Language Warning]
From my perspective, the public health officials who knew better, who either knew masks were ineffective, or who simply didn't know one way or the other because they had not done sufficient studies and research, should bear the ultimate weight of responsibility for the paralyzing fear they instilled in Americans.
Fear that persists and has utterly destroyed the ability of so many people to live free and flourishing lives. Count me among those who believe there must be a reckoning for those highly compensated "experts." But let's not excuse or ignore the integral part the media played in providing bull horns for the deception to be disseminated far and wide to a captive audience.
The complete betrayal of the public trust is shocking, even though it's precisely what we've come to expect. The American public deserves so much better.
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Not the Bee or any of its affiliates.