To be clear, this is racism
I'm not sure when we all lost our minds, but anyone who fails to see how offensively, almost comically racist this is, has simply ceded all control of their moral and mental faculties:
This is, literally mind you, the textbook definition of racism: "Discrimination and/or prejudice towards people based on their race or ethnicity." Danté, an author, and thus anything but prone to mistakes in his word choice, couldn't be more explicit in his prejudice against "white evangelicals," whom he determines are the "worst of Christianity."
His brazen racism is apparent in his other public comments like, "White people hate the truth about themselves so much that they would create a lie about us to ease their shame."
Since racism against white people is so often permitted that no one even seems to notice it anymore, playing the old substitution game helps to highlight it. Imagine a white missionary in Africa declaring that, "black people hate the truth about themselves so much that they create lies about whites to ease their shame."
He'd be publicly fitted for his white sheets before lunch.
Racism is stupid. It's the height of intellectual laziness and the last refuge of scoundrels. I'd beckon Mr. Stewart to be more than that. Take issue with the claims of particular white Christians without pretending there aren't undoubtedly hundreds of thousands who agree with you on the issue. We can't defeat hate by continuing to bathe in it.
DeSantis blames Trump for mail-in vote mess
In a move that mirrors the man he's trying to defeat for the Republican presidential nomination, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis replaced his campaign manager last week. The move surprised some, but others are suggesting it was the right call. I don't know if this performance was prompted by the new campaign leadership or not, but if so, it might portend a candidacy that is preparing a frontal attack on Trump rather than the defensive one waged so far.
Personally, I'm a bit confused by the strategy. I don't disagree with a word DeSantis just said, and I think those Republicans willing to let the former president skate by without answering for those failures are granting a politician far too much personal allegiance.
But I've always been of the belief that the best approach for DeSantis in this race is to deflect all Trump criticism by complimenting the former president's successes while in office, criticize the politically-based prosecutions aimed at him, and then after correcting any misrepresentations Trump made of him, pivot immediately into discussing how he'll lead America like he's led Florida.
Trump's petulance and penchant for insult is unrivaled and unmatched in presidential history. I can't understand wanting to (1) lock horns with the man on his home turf, or (2) turn your opportunity for a campaign of positivity into more Trump bashing.
I guess time will tell if this is the right move.
Bee Chief nailed it
Perhaps this will be considered sucking up to the boss, but I couldn't help but express my heartfelt gratitude to the Babylon Bee CEO Seth Dillon for his incredibly well-articulated explanation of the morality dilemma faced by atheists and agnostics. If you missed it:
It's not that non-theists don't operate according to moral values or basic understandings of right and wrong. It's that when you drive them to their presuppositions they lack anything fundamental or concrete in which to root those understandings. Morality must be "borrowed" from pre-existing belief systems that offer some kind of absolute truth; namely, Christianity.
Those that want to deny that fact should first settle things with the world's most notable pop culture atheist, Richard Dawkins who surprisingly admitted to the Times of London that eliminating Christianity from the world might be a bad idea. "People may feel free to do bad things because they feel God is no longer watching them," Dawkins acknowledged, warning it would "give people a license to do really bad things."
Can't say I ever expected to see Dillon and Dawkins tag-teaming to spit truth, but here we are.
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Not the Bee or any of its affiliates.