55% of female voters aged 18-34 say it is a turn-off if a guy listens to Joe Rogan
ยท Sep 14, 2023 ยท NottheBee.com

Okay, I know women lean more left than men, so I get that part of this poll, but can someone please tell me why watching a guy talk to people on a podcast is a turn-off to these liberal women. Do they not understand that Joe's a lib or what?

I guess that's what Joe gets for allowing people of all shapes, sizes, and beliefs onto his platform. If you don't interview strictly left-wing rainbow people you can't get any respect these days.

Change Research, a Bay Area-based polling firm, surveyed 1,033 registered voters between ages 18 and 34 to ask them about their political leanings, dating preferences, the upcoming presidential election, the economy and cultural trends.

The research revealed that 55% of women found it a turnoff for a partner to listen to "The Joe Rogan Experience" while 53% said it was offputting for a love interest to refuse to see Greta Gerwig's summer blockbuster "Barbie."

I just thought I'd leave that "Barbie" part in there for you too. As if Barbie has anything to do with dating. What are we, six?

But this gets to a deeper divide within our culture, this hating Joe Rogan so much that it's a turn-off for a guy to listen to him. It's no longer about left vs. right in this country; it's about people who "listen to the experts" vs. people who know who the "experts" really are. Democrats have this newfound trust in government I've never seen in my life outside of Republicans back in the early 2000s. It's strange. Liberal women want men who trust the mainstream media, believe in climate change, and are on their 12th booster.

I'll give you a little more from the article here, because you know what the number one turn-off is gonna be for these snowflakey women.

The biggest red flag for young women, however, was for a potential partner to identify as a MAGA Republican, with more than three-quarters (76%) of those polled admitting this would make them want to run for the hills.

Other notable red flags among women are partners who have no hobbies, say "All Lives Matter," say there are only two genders and that they are so unbothered, they never ask for details.

Yup, too obvious that the biggest turn-off would be MAGA Republicans.

I'll leave you with the rest of the poll questions so you don't have to click that article above.

So glad to not be in the dating world...

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