Ramaswamy rolls out plan to fire more than ONE MILLION civilian government employees in one year, nearly HALF the federal workforce ๐Ÿ‘€
ยท Sep 14, 2023 ยท NottheBee.com

Vivek really knows how to say what we want to hear! This latest campaign promise is perhaps his most bold yet.

From The Hill:

In interviews with Axios and Semafor, Ramaswamy said he wanted to make drastic cuts to the federal government. He listed the FBI, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), the Department of Education, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, the IRS, the Commerce Department and the USDA's Food and Nutrition Services as potential subjects for the cuts.

The tech entrepreneur told Axios he wants to cut the federal civil workforce, which comprises 2.2 million people, by 75 percent after four years. He added he wants to see a 50 percent reduction by the end of his first year.

You know what I call firing 75% of the federal workforce? A good start!

That's what you call big, bold action!

This Ramaswamy guy firing 75% of the federal employees? Man, he's gonna make me like him, isn't he?

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