We've reported on some strange cases of stolen school buses over the years.
There was the guy that used a school bus to turn a Brooklyn street into a demolition derby:
Then there was the school bus hijacker that gave up because the kids wouldn't stop asking him questions. That was a good one:
But this Pennsylvania school-bus hijacking takes the cake.
Pennsylvania man, Tony Saunders, stole a school bus and drove it across three counties, trying to get home to tend his garden, but we'll come back to the last bit.
Police chased the stolen bus across all three counties.
Now, I'm not sure a school bus can reach the threshold of a "high speed" pursuit, but they're certainly big and dangerous. At one point, Saunders hit a berm, nearly flipping the bus.

After that, Saunders drove into a neighborhood and exited the bus.
Imagine the officers' surprise to find that the driver of the bus stripped his clothes off and was now fleeing on foot, naked.

Apparently they had trouble getting hold of the guy because he managed to streak through several parking lots and high traffic areas.
Think that's weird?
Inside the bus, officers found a dead deer.

When the police finally caught him and questioned him, Saunders said he needed the bus to take the deer home so that he could use it as fertilizer in his garden.

There's no word on what kinds of drugs were involved in the incident.