A bunch of libs started praising Osama bin Laden on TikTok so here's how the media is covering it. Check out the ratio.
· Nov 17, 2023 · NottheBee.com

Some wokies who hate America recently discovered that Osama bin Laden, shocker, hated America and realized they actually agree with him:

So, in light if this information, how do you think the left-wing media covered this story?

You guessed it: Republicans pounce!

Screenshot in case they delete it:



Yes, Osama bin Laden's letter to America is being "weaponized' by the Right because they noticed the Left agrees with it.


The story is never the story. The REACTION to the story is the story for leftwing media.

Wired is, of course, being ratio'd to death for this braindead story.

Check out some of the replies:

Even we had to get in on the ratio!

The woke media, everyone!

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