A self-proclaimed tai chi master challenged an MMA fighter to a fight. The highly anticipated matchup took 2 years to make ... and it lasted 10 seconds.
· Dec 7, 2020 · NottheBee.com

Popular MMA fighter Xu Xiaodong has made a name for himself in China for dogging out practitioners of traditional Chinese martial arts, calling them "fake kung fu," and beating up people who challenge him to back up his words.

The latest to challenge mixed martial artist Xu was this poor soul who calls himself a tai chi master. If you don't know what tai chi is, it's based on the concept of yin and yang, and is used around the world as a form of meditation and exercise. Not really used for starching people. But this bloke swore he could take the MMA guy down using his tai chi.

Yeah no, it lasted 10 seconds.

Here's the fight video, which has been viewed a million times already, timestamped for your convenience:

Looool the dude took one jab to the eye and that was THAT. Looks like MMA guy may have broken homeboy's orbital bone.

This is not the first time Xu has demolished a "tai chi master." Check out his last high-profile fight, from 2017:

Yeah that one apparently had different rules that did NOT bar Xu from leaping on his downed opponent and pounding his face in. That dude felt that for a few days. He got the chi knocked out of him.

For clowning so many tai chi guys, Xu has been banned from Chinese social media for "making a mockery of Chinese culture."

Awesome. Don't mess with the Chinese Kimbo Slice.

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