We all know that car theft is off the charts these days.
But New York City is a special kind of nightmare. Carjackings in the city are up over 400% since 2019.
And when a carjacker is in bumper-to-bumper traffic, it's not like they can just throw the driver out and take off.
Take the case of Ismael English, 20, who wanted to steal his Lyft driver's Tesla. He stabbed the driver three times, trying to take control of the vehicle.
But the Lyft driver was a freakin' New Yorker, and it was a brand new Tesla, so he threw the bum out then hopped out after him, chasing him through traffic on FDR Drive - stab wounds and all!!

English tried to jack several more cars to get away from the Lyft driver, but again, it was stand-still traffic. Those cars were going nowhere fast.
Finally, he jumped off the bridge to escape.
Watch that brilliant move here (the ice-cream truck music really adds a special something to this video):
[Warning: Ouch]
Somehow, he survived with just two broken legs.
But you have to love those three girls down below who give him the cold shoulder and walk away, like this sort of thing happens all the time.

Authorities picked English off the pavement and took him to the hospital.
The same hospital the Lyft driver is in.
Let's just say that I hope, for English's sake, he gets better and is sent off to prison before that Lyft driver recovers.