San Francisco landlords' party celebrating the end of the eviction moratorium gets attacked by "mostly peaceful" protesters, police refuse to respond
ยท Sep 14, 2023 ยท

Remember how the rest of the country moved on from Covid years ago, but San Francisco kept their mask mandate in place until February 2023?

And how they still forbade landlords from evicting tenants for non-payment?

Well those days are finally over. The eviction moratorium has come to an end.

(Yes, FINALLY. In September 2023.)

One landlord association in Berkeley got together for a cocktail party at Freehouse Pub to celebrate finally being able to evict the tenants that have refused to pay rent despite having the means to do so during the moratorium.

Meanwhile, the Marxists of San Francisco who don't believe in personal property swarmed outside, screaming as if they were in physical pain and chanting slogans like,

"See our might, see our power, landlords get no happy hour," and "Get up, get down, [flowerbed] the landlords in Freehouse,"

About an hour into the party, the Marxist crowd pushed their way into the pub, and that's when things got violent.

"(When protesters entered) I went around and told our members to remain quiet, and peaceful and not engage โ€” and they didn't," BPOA President Krista Gulbransen said. "The protesters got in the face of some, and I don't know how it went down from there, but next thing I know people are shoving each other."

Police were on the scene observing the protest, and one of the landlords managed to escape the melee and ask for their help, but the police refused to enter the pub.

Eventually, the violence calmed down and the protesters exited. It doesn't sound like anyone was seriously hurt, but I doubt roughing up the landlords changed their mind about evicting their deadbeat tenants.

Surrounding areas that also recently ended their moratoriums have seen thousands of eviction cases. Most of them were fully employed and just enjoying the moratorium letting their rent slide.

But none of them were saving up that money to pay the back rent when it came due, and now that time has come. So where are they going to go? Their credit scores are getting slammed and prior landlords are certainly not going to give them references.

One thing's for certain, San Francisco's bad Covid policies are about to give its already large homeless population a serious boost.

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