At an event at the Reagan Library, Trump-appointed Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett showed us that she is STILL triggering clueless lefties who cannot stand the idea that a successful female can also be a good mother.
At this event, some wacky leftist went to the event in order to holler nonsense at the Justice.
In this clip, Barrett is talking about the insane media presence as she was expected to get the nomination from Trump, and just to prove her point that the media has really negatively impacted her life this loon heckles her.
At around the 1:20 mark an obnoxious uber-feminist screams out:
Amy Coney Barrett! You are an enslaver of women!
It's 2022. It's been 2 years since she's been on the Court and the left still hasn't let the Handmaid Tale narrative fade away.
They really, really hate this woman.
Barrett then responds in a calm, classy, yet still appropriately sharp manner.
Fortunately, as a mother of seven, I am used to distractions. And sometimes even outbursts.
Like small children, leftists can't contain themselves.
They cannot stand Coney Barrett simply because she exposes what they believe is a lie.
So they'll continue to hate and she will continue to rise above it all.
P.S. Now check out our latest video π