Asian-Americans are coming to a stark realization.
The left just isn't that in to you.

While the Asian-American community is incredibly diverse (unlike the black community according to Joe Biden), their members have been, as a broadly defined demographic, pretty reliable supporters of Democrats in recent years, going for Clinton over Trump by nearly 40 points in 2016.
There's only one problem:
Democrats in general, and the leftists who drive the party today in particular, have spent years cultivating the narrative that America is a white supremacist country oppressing minorities and making it impossible for them to succeed.
Unfortunately, Asian-Americans are really bad at being oppressed and not succeeding.
In fact, their success is kind of an embarrassment. I mean, come on guys, what about all the microaggressions?!
All this success can wreak havoc with the stats.
This happened last November when a school district in Washington State was having trouble demonstrating how very racist they were because Asian-Americans were scoring higher than "people of color" are supposed to in a white supremacist country, even exceeding the scores of the supposed white supremacists at the top of the supposed racial tyranny.
Nobody likes the guy who messes up the curve, kid. Nobody.

To fix this obvious error, they approached it as any statistician seeking impartiality and social justice would and just combined the scores of Asian-Americans with those of white students thus creating the desired amount of oppression.
In their latest equity report, administrators at North Thurston Public Schools—which oversees some 16,000 students—lumped Asians in with whites and measured their academic achievements against "students of color," a category that includes "Black, Latinx, Native American, Pacific Islander, and Multi-Racial Students" who have experienced "persistent opportunity gaps."
Asian-Americans' relentless academic success has even forced Ivy League universities to artificially reduce their admittance.
The Center for Equal Opportunity report notes the contrast between Caltech, which doesn't have affirmative action, and MIT and Harvard, which do. At Caltech, Asian-Americans make up more than 40 percent of undergraduates, a proportion that has grown robustly since 2000. At MIT, Asian-American representation in the student body has stayed constant at about 26 percent over the last couple of decades and at Harvard roughly 17 percent.
As an appeals court judge asked at a subsequent hearing,
"Where is the evidence of racial profiling here?"

The appeals court eventually ruled that the schools don't discriminate against Asians, instead, they are trying to create a diverse campus by discriminating against Asians.
But don't let that confuse you, it's not "racial profiling," because we're going to just ignore that right now.
"Today's decision once again finds that Harvard's admissions policies are consistent with Supreme Court precedent, and lawfully and appropriately pursue Harvard's efforts to create a diverse campus that promotes learning and encourages mutual respect and understanding in our community," a spokeswoman for Harvard told NPR." As we have said time and time again, now is not the time to turn back the clock on diversity and opportunity."
Yale was accused of doing the same thing, and was being sued by the Justice Department last year.
A two-year investigation into the Ivy League school found that "race is the determinative factor in hundreds of admissions decisions each year," in violation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the DOJ said in a press release.
But the Democrats, devoted allies of people being denied opportunities because of their race, decided to deny Asian-Americans opportunities because of their race.
Don't these Asian-Americans understand that the only way we're ever going to end discrimination is by discriminating against Asian-Americans?

Asian-Americans also appear to be a bit perturbed that while the left is only too eager to rise to their defense when it appears they can use the attacks on them against their political opponents, they seem decidedly less eager when it's their political allies doing the attacking.
Asian-Americans have started to take notice, and in a big way.
All over the country, standardized testing and other impartial measures used to get into the nations' most elite high schools are being eliminated in the interest of "equity."
Asians, the clear targets of this, are starting to fight back.
It is the "too many Asians" argument.
Kind of chilling if you're an Asian-American.
Last month, the Chinese American Citizen Alliance Greater New York (CACAGNY) took direct aim at the ideology behind all this, and pulled exactly zero punches, saying:
Critical Race Theory (CRT) is a hateful, divisive, manipulative fraud.

CRT appears in our workplaces under the cover of implicit bias/sensitivitytraining. It infiltrates our schools pretending to be culturally/ethnically responsive pedagogy, with curricula such as the New York Times' 1619 Project and Seattle's ethnomathematics. Hate groups, with allies in politics, the press and education, pass CRT off as anti-racism and diversity, equity and inclusion, but CRT is exactly the opposite. From its very roots, CRT is racist, repressive, discriminatory, and divisive.

Chinese Americans are people of color and therefore start from the oppressed side of CRT's binary. But as we overcome discrimination and achieve upward mobility, we are now White by adjacency. In New York City, Black Lives Matter rioters with CRT signs assaulted our rally supporting merit-based education. We have come into CRT's crosshair.

One way or another, CRT wants to get rid of too many Asians in good schools. Asians are over-represented. CRT is today's Chinese Exclusion Act. CRT is the real hate crime against Asians.

Some of CRT's hate speeches against Asians are obvious: too many Asians and Stuyvesant doesn't look like the City need no explanation. They can also be subtle. For example: Stuyvesant is not diverse. Since when is it not diverse for a school to have dozens of languages spoken at home, all major world faiths practiced, most cultural experiences inherited, from ancient civilization-building to rise and fall of empires, to slavery, colonization, revolution, and diaspora? Even if CRT dismisses all this and reduces everything to just looks -- do all Asians look alike to them?

We Have to Start Fighting Back!
We need to recognize CRT through its fraudulent packaging, call it out, resist....

Not everyone is there. This is an opportunity for conservatives to embrace a clear ally in a clear fight where the opposition is clearly wrong, factually and morally.
Will the GOP step up and reach out?
Why is there no collective fight against this? John Yoo and Avik Roy wrote in 2019 that the natural home of Asian-Americans is in the GOP. They are a natural match with conservatism, from work ethic to sexual politics to academic success. Yet it appears Republican leadership has squandered that opportunity.
Is it too late?
It's never too late!