Canada's death cult grows as its government promotes assisted suicide in an activity book for little kids
· Dec 28, 2022 ·

Canada's new official religion of death now does kids outreach!

The country's government has discovered it can save A LOT of money by encouraging citizens to kill themselves in its MAID program (Medical Assistance in Dying).

But this right here may be the most pernicious and evil part of the assisted suicide program yet:

Something is rotten in Canada.

Yes, this is an activity book for elementary-aged children to help kids understand assisted suicide.

They're desensitizing children to the idea that offing yourself is bad.

Canadian Virtual Hospice first published the booklet in July in order to prepare children who have someone in their life who may have chosen Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD). Topics in the booklet include defining MAiD, who is eligible and how it is administered to a patient.

"A person can only have MAiD if they are at least 18 years old," it reads. "And if they have a serious illness or disability that hurts their body or their mind so much that it feels too hard to keep living."

"The person having MAiD will get three different medicines. They are usually given in an IV. Then the needle is taken out and the straw can be used to send medicine straight into a person's body in their blood," describes the booklet.

The booklet continues by describing how lethal injection works: "The first medicine makes the person feel very relaxed and fall asleep. They may yawn or snore or mumble. The second medicine causes a "coma." A coma looks like sleep but is much deeper than regular sleep. The person will not wake up or be bothered by noise or touch. The third medicine makes the person's lungs stop breathing and then their heart stops beating."

Forget sexually grooming kids: Canada is grooming kids to kill themselves.

I mean, look at the childish and flippant way they describe ASSISTED SUICIDE to kids.

It's just a fun little book about killing yourself.

No big deal!

Check out some of the activities:

Freaking creepy.

In an interview with True North, the Executive Director of Canadian Physicians for life Nicole Scheidl said the booklet's approach was "insidious."

"The authors suggest that euthanasia is a medical practice and that medicine is used to euthanize a person," said Scheidl. "Euthanasia is not medical treatment. It is what happens when medicine fails."

On top of that, Scheidl says the booklet does not accurately describe how euthanasia drugs work and that it "glosses over the issues raised by the drugs used."

"The entire booklet is focused on normalizing euthanasia as the best way to die." said Scheidl.

They want you to accept this as a normal part of life.

Instead of dying naturally, they want you to think that killing yourself on your own terms is the best way to go out.

"The medical evidence is overwhelming that determining whether someone will recover from mental illness is impossible to predict. Psychiatrists report that individuals who are suicidal are now no longer accepting treatment as they are waiting for the March expansion of euthanasia." said Scheidl.

"When someone is suicidal, they can't see the light at the end of the tunnel. We should help them towards the light, not facilitate the ending of their lives," Scheidl continued.

The death cult continues apace.

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