Check out the transgender merch Target is selling for kids and babies at this Wisconsin store
· May 10, 2023 ·

They are selling this stuff for BABIES!

[Warning: Language]

That's Scarlett Johnson, one of the people at Moms for Liberty, and it's a store in WISCONSIN, not Los Angeles or New York!

Kids who can't even read or understand what's being said are going to say, "Ooh! I want the rainbow shirt!" or "I like the colorful drawings."

I'm starting to realize why the LGBT cult picked the rainbow – because they wanted to market their sex fetishes to kids.

Last year, we learned Target was selling gear for young transgender people to bind their chests and pack their underwear to make it look like they're the opposite sex.

Now they are PROUDLY displaying this nonsense to children in the front of the store...

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