Last night, New York Senator Chuck Schumer went on the Rachel Maddow program on MSNBC and stated very plainly that President Biden should bypass Congress and make climate policy by executive order.
As Mr. Zipperer points out in his tweet, just two years ago Schumer stated that using executive power was "an outrageous power grab" when Donald Trump wanted to reappropriate funds for the border wall.
Now that his buddy Biden is in power, Schumer seems to have found a "real" emergency:
cLiMaTe ChAnGe!
Schumer states: "I think it might be a good idea for President Biden to call a climate emergency." Which he then follows with THE CREEPIEST SMILE EVER AND THE MOST OMINOUS EYEBROW RAISE IN THE HISTORY OF THE REPUBLIC.
Watch it closely! It will make you shiver.

And just to make it very clear what he's saying, Schumer explains, "then [Biden] can do many many things under the emergency powers of the president... that he could do without legislation."
Just as a reminder, it is Schumer's job to legislate. He is the majority leader in the Senate, the Democrats control both houses of congress! But still, the radical agenda on climate change is so toxic it appears Chuck is not confident he could pass it with both the House and the Senate. So he wants Joe Biden to declare an emergency, take power solely into the executive in terms of climate, and act as a pseudo-monarch to combat the CliMaTe eMeRgEnCy!

After the pandemic, Democrats have wanted to make everything an "emergency" so that they can, with the power of the White House, go around congress and legislate straight from the Oval Office. Democrats across the country have stated that systemic racism is a "public health crisis."
And why would they do this? Maybe, just maybe, it's because if something is an emergency or a crisis, then legislators no longer have to do their job. If racism is like a pandemic, then governors and the President should have unprecedented authority in addressing the issue. If the climate is an emergency, we don't have time for Congress to act. The thinking quickly becomes "everything I want to address is an emergency, so I can bypass the normal checks and balances of power."
Get ready for at least 4 years of abuse of this power. It doesn't look like Biden is about to push back.