CNN and other lefty outlets celebrate 100th anniversary of Chinese Communist Party, and am I surprised? No, I'm not.
· Jul 2, 2021 ·

So the Chinese Communist Party turns 100 this month and I bet it's going to come as no surprise to you that lefty corporate media outlets were right there ready to celebrate. I mean, it's kinda no big deal that the Chinese keep literal slaves out west, or that Mao's China was responsible for the deaths of at least 40 million people.


So here's CNN, and I'll get to the others later, but I want to quote the Communist News Network—or as some are calling them, XiNN—so we're clear on where these commies stand.

Here's the article:

"Xi will be the real star"?

Man, you're drooling over there, CNN. Give it a rest!

The drooling continues:

It's likely that large parts of the day's events will focus on Xi, arguably the country's most powerful leader since Mao, and his vision for the country.

Under Xi, the party has consolidated its hold on key sectors and industries, while tightening its grip on daily life. As Xi himself said at the 17th Party Congress in 2017, "In the east, west, south, and north, the party leads everything."


It's pretty clear.

Here's more:

Whether the party likes it or not, its 100th anniversary will also provide an opportunity for the world to reflect on an organization whose power and reach now extends far beyond its own borders.

The party's influence inside global organizations, including the United Nations, the World Bank and the World Health Organization, is growing and many Western nations are heavily reliant on China for their economic growth.

So sure, China's taking over. Let's celebrate that too!!

But they do quickly knock out some negatives, in case you think I'm a dishonest journalist and I wouldn't show you this part.

But while the party has much to celebrate, particularly China's growth from one of the poorest nations in the world into an economy on the brink of overtaking the US, it has also been responsible for some of darkest chapters of the last century, including the brutal repression of student protestors in Tiananmen Square, the decade of mayhem under former Chairman Mao Zedong's Cultural Revolution, and the millions who starved to death as a result of disastrous CCP economic policy decisions.

Such incidents are unlikely to feature in Thursday's trip down memory lane, having long been played down or simply censored outright within China. But that doesn't mean they will be forgotten.

And I'm sure the lefties would give the same sort of leniency to the greatest country on earth, America, when it comes to past misconduct…

I guess maybe not. But hey, at least they're excited about something!



And it wasn't just CNN getting into the CCP love game.

Here's ABC News:

And Bloomberg:

And here, check out the New York Times:

Okay, at least they pointed out that Xi is willing to go to war with anyone who questions his rule. But to be honest, they don't seem too upset about it, and that's kind of scary.

Anyhow, happy birthday CCP, you totalitarian, murderous scum!

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