Ladies and gentlemen, I present perhaps the most self-serving tweet of all time:
Let's break down this gem, shall we?
First, you have the fact that Jim Acosta felt it necessary to virtue signal about getting the vaccine at all. It's bad enough when politicians do it. It's far worse when celebrities and oBjeCtiVe jOuRnAliSts do it.
Then there's the fact that he had someone take this photo of him – probably multiple photos for that matter. It wasn't enough to say "I got immunized, you should too." Nope, Jim Acosta needed to make sure the world saw Jim Acosta getting the shot.
Perhaps you think I'm being too mean. After all, we all take photos of ourselves doing the things we love, whether it's cooking, fishing, or letting fellow comrades know we follow the rules.
To that, I would simply bring up the shirt that Jim Acosta chose to wear for said pic:
In 2020, I covered the impeachment trial & caucus night (that lasted a week) & the primaries & the covid pandemic & the economic crash & the racial justice protests & Lafayette Square & so many rallies & the death of RBG & the president's 1AM coronavirus diagnosis & a Supreme Court confirmation & an election night (that lasted a week) & firings by tweet & the recounts & the presidential transition & I have the commemorative shirt to prove it.
Have you ever seen a more vainglorious shirt in your life?
It's very clear Jim Acosta bought this as a gift to celebrate himself (or by someone who really wanted to encourage his self worship).

Capitalism being the amazing thing it is, someone has already made a copy available for sale.
Fortunately, not everyone on the internet is as self-obsessed as Jim Acosta and decided to rightly and justly roast him: