If you missed the viral, hateful rant of this Columbia student, it says a lot about the state of Ivy League education

Dr. Subtilis

Apr 29, 2024

In lumine Tuo videbimus lumen. The motto of Columbia University.

"In Thy light we shall see light."

Columbia was the first Ivy League school to drop the SAT requirement for admission.

What could possibly go wrong, you ask?

Enter Khymani James, who prefers he/she/they pronouns. It must be confusing keeping that straight, even for a brilliant Ivy League student! You're a boy, then you're a girl, then a you're a whole bunch of somethings! It's like a pronoun polycule but without all the drama and STDs.

Except — he/she/they is/are now at the center of quite a drama, based on a video that has surfaced featuring this Columbia student and his/her/their queerly strong support of Palestine.

This short version of the video started making the rounds right away. Then he/she/they issued a non-apology apology.

As shocking as the first short video was — the longer one has to been seen and heard to be believed.

Remember, this is a student at one of the most elite universities in the world. Only the strongest students apply, and less than one out of 25 of those are admitted.

Right out of the gate, he says "I fight to kill" (19 seconds in). I must say he doesn't look capable of killing very much. Maybe in a video game.

At 27 seconds, the official Columbia enforcers on the call drop the hammer and tell him his words are "PROBLEMATIC." This appears to be the favorite word of leftists. No, academic publications do not contain this word, or at least its verb form "problematize."

(In case you don't get it, this means they don't like something.)

Fortunately, our hero shows he has a moral compass at 34 seconds: "I think there is a serious weight in taking someone else's life."

But killing some people would be "better for the overall world" at second 47. I am glad that, like any great philosopher, he makes the crucial distinction between the "overall world" and "particular parts of the world" or even "the best of all possible worlds" as we read in Voltaire's Candide. This kind of intellectual work is taxing, even for Columbia students.

At least he understands that 1) killing generally is wrong and 2) sometimes it is necessary, and just?

So what is his basis for justice?

  • Is he religious?
  • Or a Religion Studies major?
  • Or does he just look into his heart?

He does "thank the Lord" at 55 seconds that he personally has never killed anyone! I imagine that the person he never actually killed is also personally thankful to the Lord!

(That was just the first minute of the video!)

Everyone is focused on this student's rant, but I have another question:

Why are these Columbia admins listening to one single second of this unhinged ululating?

Clarity might be provided at 2 minutes and 16 seconds, where one of the investigators shares her "identity as a black queer woman in NYC."

Well now, that explains a lot, doesn't it?

According to Campus Reform, James has been banned from campus. No word on whether that means he will be academically suspended or expelled or if they simply wanted to hide him away until the storm blows over!

But the bigger shocker is that he got into Columbia in the first place. List price: $86,000 per year.

He. Got. In.

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