DeSantis says doctors who perform sex-change surgeries on kids should go to jail
· May 20, 2023 ·

Based governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis, just signed a couple of really important bills in Florida this week.

One banned minors from attending sexually explicit performances like drag shows and the other bill outlawed sex change "gender-affirming" surgeries on minors.

In an interview with Dinesh D'Souza, Governor DeSantis made it clear that, while he was proud of the legislation passed in Florida, saying that these doctors don't just need to lose their licenses, but deserve jail.

We banned this administratively last year through our medical board, so if a medical doctor did this, they lose the license in Florida, which is appropriate, but we felt you had to do more.

I mean, if you're taking off the private parts of some 15-year-old kid you should go to jail for that. It's just totally unacceptable...

They violated the hippocratic oath, they put their ideology in front of evidence-based medicine and we just think that that's fundamentally wrong in the state of Florida.

This is how it's done, ladies and gentlemen.

Ignore the headlines from the corporate media. Ignore the hysterics about throwing doctors in jail.

These are monsters and child abusers and they deserve exactly what they're going to get under Florida law.

Another DeSantis W.

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