When it comes to taking action on climate change, it's now or never folks.
Now. Or. Never.
Yes, that's a CGI velociraptor basically telling us that our species will soon fall into extinction. Unless, of course, we make some changes (aka do everything the UN tells you to do).
You've got a huge opportunity right now, as you rebuild your economies and bounce back from this pandemic. So here's my wild idea: don't choose extinction. Save your species before it's too late. It's time for you humans to stop making excuses and start making changes.
The fact that the UN can sit back and release a video like this is amazing to me. Do they not understand that normal, freedom loving people can see right through their bullbird? We all knew they are going to ratchet up their climate change agenda while Covid has us down. Project Veritas told us that. And we've all heard politicians like Lori Lightfoot and Justin Trudeau talk about the great reset and the New World Order. Do they really think we're dumb enough to trust their plans anymore?
Because that's all this is.
Another step in their direction.
Well, they've been calling the shots for much too long.
And I'm done.
No matter what some stupid dinosaur says.
P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇