Yes, you read that right. Dwayne "The Rock" (THE ROCK!) Johnson cried, he cried, when he found out that Joe Biden had been declared the winner of the 2020 election. I'll say it one more time: The Rock cried!
Somewhere Stone Cold Steve Austin is laughing himself off of a La-Z-Boy and spilling Bud Light everywhere.
To be fair, The Rock said these tears were the manly kind. You know, like the ones you cry during that last scene in The Notebook. Those kind. Manly.
According to The Rock, the tears were for his vote (for Biden/Harris), which represented "humanity," "decency," and "the values and the principles of which we teach our little [daughters]." Okay, I must say this: [insert very good point about abortion and grandparenthood here]. Aaaaaaaaand I'm not going any further with the daughter stuff because that's just rude.
Ohp, and don't forget to virtue signal, Mr. Rock:
"My vote, also, for me, represented the importance of just being a good decent human being."
There it is! Unity!
Well folks, I guess we were guaranteed liberal tears no matter which way this election went (goes). Keep 'em coming lefties!

It's not super important that I put this here, but about the 2-minute mark is where The Rock starts talking about his manly tears.