The Left is having a normal one as they attempt to defend the man who is, by almost any legitimate measure, the worst president in our lifetime.
Once, Joe Biden said "you ain't black" if you don't vote for him.

But who knew he was saying that from a position of authority as a black man himself?
Here's what The Hill is publishing as an opinion piece the day after one of the worst responses to international conflict in US history:
Of course, if you're of a certain age, you know that Bill Clinton was the first black president. Then we have Obama (who was half black) as the SECOND black president.
Now Juan Williams wants you to think that Joe Biden is ALSO a black president.

But Biden's 2024 campaign is worried about getting Black voters to the polls. Last week, the Biden campaign put $25 million into a radio advertising campaign to pump up enthusiasm among Black and Latino voters with message "Joe and Kamala are getting it done for us — and that's the facts."
Ahh yes, nothing better to win over voters of color than ads with purposefully poor grammar that sound like they're out of the 1970s.
That's gotta get the black vote out...
Williams's entire piece is all about how Biden is going out of his way to try and win intersectional points by putting black people in positions of power, regardless of their ability to do their jobs.
"Biden is pandering to black people and that works for me!"
It is not in his ads, but last week Biden's vice president — the first Black vice president, Kamala Harris — swore in a Black woman, Laphonza Butler, as a U.S. senator. It is amazing to me, after 50 years of covering Washington, to see a Black woman sworn in as a senator while her wife — another Black woman — holds the bible, and the oath is administered by a third Black woman, who is Biden's Vice President of the United States.
Oh, well, I guess this makes Joe Biden "Joe Cool."
His VP. who was hired based only on skin color, swore in another black lady who was only given the job because of her skin color (and who she sleeps with).
This is such a tremendous win for the black community who must REALLY care about lesbians getting more power.

But he passes liberal policies!
According to Juan Williams, that's as black as one can get.
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