Florida cat lady leaves her mansion and an inheritance to her seven felines
· Jun 21, 2023 · NottheBee.com

Wealthy cat lady Nancy Sauer passed away recently, and she couldn't abide the idea that her cats would be split up or have to move out on her passing, so she made it explicit in her will that the cats would inherit her 4,000 square-foot mansion in South Tampa and enough money to care for them the rest of their lives.

I feel like I've seen this movie before...

The Persian cats are all about five years old, so that's at least another decade of the cats living in the mansion.

Sauer's idea was that someone would come and check on the cats every couple of days, but that the felines would have complete run of the place.

Can you imagine buying that house ten years from now?

Anyway, a probate judge ruled that leaving the cats alone without a guardian was not going to be good for them, so all seven of them were rounded up and taken to a shelter.

The house and everything in it went up for auction, and the cats are going up for adoption. The shelter is going to try to keep them together.

If you're in Tampa, Florida, and feel like being a crazed cat lady/man with a few Persian cats, these seven might just be for you. Besides, the judge also ruled the inheritance is going to follow the cats — well, a portion of it anyway.

Sherry Silk, executive director of the Humane Society of Tampa Bay, indicated,

The exact amount is still being worked out by an attorney, Silk said, but it will be "substantial … enough to cover the cats' food, medical and grooming bills forever. They're young. They're only 5 years old. Persians can be expensive and persnickety."

I don't know what the yearly upkeep of a cat runs these days, but multiply whatever it is by seven, and you'll probably have enough to get yourself a rocker and a nice afghan too.

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