ROCKSTAR Joe Biden apparently tops 80 million votes, more than any candidate in HISTORY
· Nov 30, 2020 ·

Remember that wave of enthusiasm that Barack Obama rode to a historic win in 2008? Remember how packed the National Mall was on his inauguration day as America welcomed in the "hope and change" that was (supposedly) going to come with our first black president?

Turns out, that enthusiasm was probably for Biden.

Yep, if you thought everyone was excited about the messianic figure of Barack Obama, you were apparently wrong. It wasn't the 47-year-old Obama with his charming good looks, smooth-talking demeanor, and near rock-star status in the eyes of the media. Nope, it was the then-67-year-old Joe Biden that everyone was so crazy about.

We all THOUGHT the crowds were for Obama.

The mainstream media has been giddy the past week with the announcement that Biden has become the most popular candidate in U.S. history with over 80 million votes (all of them from real, living people and cast in totally valid ways, of course!).

Despite a red wave for Republicans that cost Democrats state and federal seats around the nation, tens of millions of voters were apparently far more excited about the prospect of a 78-year-old man who can't complete a sentence, gets tired after an hour of public appearances, and fractures his foot playing in the yard with his dog.


I mean, watch this video of Biden limping out of the doctor's office this weekend and tell me you aren't inspired by the strength and stamina of this man who may become the next Commander-in-Chief of the most powerful nation to ever exist:

THIS is apparently the most popular president of all time. As CBS notes:

"Over 159 million Americans voted this year, according to the United States Elections Project (USEP) — surpassing 2016 numbers by more than 20 million. The turnout rate was also the highest it has been in more than 100 years. USEP currently estimates that about 66.7% of eligible voters cast ballots this year, the highest since 1900. The record turnout came even as the nation remained in the grips of the coronavirus pandemic."

Move over Washington, Lincoln, FDR, JFK, and Reagan – there's a new top dog in town!

Do you remember all those packed Biden rallies? Do you remember how Biden spent weeks on the campaign trail, jetting across the nation for event after event with little sleep? Do you remember how people waited in hours of traffic and lines to simply have the opportunity to stand a thousand feet away from Biden while he addressed throngs of adoring supporters?

And just look at this rally today in Arizona that I can only assume is for Biden. Hundreds of other such events are happening daily across the nation, where passionate Americans are apparently taking to the streets, unable to contain their enthusiasm for Biden any longer!

Biden has even garnered international support. Look at these protesters in Japan of all places, holding a rally to show their enthusiasm (although it seems they misspelled his name).

It's strange. Biden campaigned exactly like a man who knew he didn't even need to try. I wonder why that is. 🤔

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