Check out this new hot sport called "CarJitsu" – a wrestling competition that lets you channel your inner road rage

Want to actually do something about that bad driver who cut you off?

Well then, CarJitsu is for you!

It's a sport you didn't know existed but definitely needed that combines professional fighters and the confined spaces of an automobile.

Fighters placed inside of a sedan are allowed to use anything within the vehicle to battle their opponent - including the seatbelt - which makes choking out your opponent that much easier.

The sport is aired on ESPN's "The Ocho" where they celebrate obscure sports.

Carjitsu was founded at Kansas State University by a Russian grad student (of course) named Vik Mikheev, who has a blackbelt in both judo and Brazilian jiujitsu.

From the New York Post:

And while the claustrophobic concept may sound slightly insane, Carjitsu is burning virtual rubber on social media — already boasting a reported average of 5 million views per week. Celebrity fans include Keenan Thompson and Kevin Hart, New Jersey has already approved it for gambling and ESPN aired the phenomenon for the first time on the Ocho, the network's annual weekend celebration of obscure sports, on [August 4].

Here are the rules:

  • A match begins with both fighters buckled into their seats, with a coinflip deciding which fighter is driver side or passenger side.

  • There are three rounds to a match, if there is a tie after two rounds, they finish in the back seat.

  • Fighters may have body parts sticking out of the car's open windows, but they are not allowed to touch the ground.

  • Like Brazilian jiujitsu, punching and kicking are not allowed, focusing on chokeholds and grappling instead (the confines of a car work quite well for such mayhem).

All sorts of bizarre things can happen when two fighters try to choke each other out inside of a car, such as getting stuck on a gear shifter.

There's also professional tire wrestling, if you want to branch out!

Do you have what it takes to be a professional road rager?

P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇

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