Here it is. The worst tweet of the day.
· Mar 14, 2021 ·

Yes, it's still quite early, but I can pretty much guarantee you won't find a worse tweet today than this steaming pile of refuse:

This is what happens when you let Wokianity supplant true Christianity. If you're a critical race theory worshiper — a devotee of CRTanity — everything must be viewed through your neo-Marxist glasses.

And by everything I mean everything. Even the precious cross of Christ.

To weaponize Jesus's death in order to implicitly condemn an entire race of people (whites) and group of people (police officers) abominable. This tweet would have you believe that the "blackest way possible" to die is to be shot to death by a white police officer while your hands are up and your mother is watching. To bastardize Jesus's death like this in order to try to score points in the Woke Olympics is reprehensible. It's disgusting.

Less important but still worth noting, the line is so contrived and so bad, it's such a stretch in name of "art," that it's pathetic and laughable.

Apparently it's not just me who thinks so.

Enjoy these reactions from some black folks — you know, since we're playing the identity politics game here 🤷‍♂️:

And lastly I'll bless you with my favorite reply (from a white guy though so isn't really supposed to count) 😂:

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